Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The little things

Things might seem somewhat mundane around these parts for the next few weeks. You see our Dada is away for awhile and we know that these "little things" are the things that he would like to see.

This morning, I turned my back on Lucy who was eating yogurt , to help Brady and his buddy Carder play Candy Land. When I turned back to Lucy, well, it was clear that she really was enjoying her snack.

Hope you are enjoying the little things in life today.


Mike Zollars said...

I miss my baby girl....

Erin said...

That is great that she is able to use a spoon that well. I can't even imagine giving Molly a spoon to use right now. Hope all is going well friend!

Lori said...

I miss my baby girl and baby boy!

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