Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Is it Friday yet?

It's been a long couple days....and the calendar is telling me it's only Wednesday.

A few (random) pictures to catch up here....

I took this picture at 5:30am.  Yes.  5:30am.  Thank you Macy and Lucy.
Grandma and Grandpa Zollars came to see us for Veteran's Day weekend!  We took Grandma to our favorite place, St. Michael's.

 Grandpa and Mike stayed home with this little one.
 Hi pretty girl.  You are getting so big. Slow down, OK?
This is a moment I am thankful to Mike for coming to get me and saying "grab your camera"....they sat there for such a long time, together, Brady reading, Macy listening.  Sweet moment between the oldest and the youngest.
 Found a few pictures from our visit to Mt. Vernon that I never shared....

 Lucy and Macy were thrilled about this picture opp
 Oh gosh, it was so very beautiful there.

 As my Mom said, "George and Martha out for a stroll"  These two are so cute.
Thanks for stopping in to see us here, I hope your week is full of love and countless blessings.

My blessings make my heart laugh even today
when I just want to know, is it Friday yet?

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