Monday, November 3, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up, the Laura McCarthy edition

We had such a great weekend! First we had trick-or-treating at Mike's office on Friday.

Then my sister, Laura, came! She brought Brady these Lightning McQueen slippers which have been on his feet non stop.

We went bowling on Saturday...which by the way, if you ever wondered if you could take a 2 year old bowling and have it be an enjoyable experience, you can! Brady had a blast and that perhaps is an understatement. He loved every minute of it. He bowled two games with a 6 lb. ball and bumpers on his own lane! He even got a spare! I think we will go bowling more often - fun, family-friendly and economical.

On Sunday, Laura, Brady and I hopped on the Lebanon Mason Railroad for a train ride to a farm to see animals, run through a corn maze, etc. This was a "big big diesel train". Oh that boy and his trains.
Sitting on the train before we made our way out to the open air gondola.
By the way, Brady gets his wonderful, curly hair from my side of the family as you can see!

Cashmere and Coach in a corn field. This is one reason why I love my sister, doesn't matter where we go or what we do, she always looks good doing it! I need to learn a few things from her.
Curled up sound asleep with his Aunt Laura, oh he adores her.
Next up, when time allows, a post about coffee and a movie clip of bowling Brady.

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